Datagraph 3 2

What's new in DataGraph 4.4?

New Icon!

DataGraph 3.2の刺激、あなたやあなたのMacコンピュータで問題を作成していますか?あなたはそれを削除しようとしますが、これを行うには失敗を得ている?あなたはそれを完全にアンインストールする方法をお探しですか?さて、ここであなたの解決策は、単に慎重にこの記事を読み続ける. DataGraph is a simple and powerful graphing program. Import data, visualize, analyze and create publication quality graphs. Version 3.2: Pivot Table command - great for data analysis. Hover information to inspect data in a plot. A new method to. USCutter Gooseneck Tweezers $7.99 Add to Cart TransferRite 31GL Clear Medium Tack Application tape with Liner, 10 Foot Roll $2.99 Add to Cart Interior Decoration Wall Vinyl Starter Kit - Vinyl Sheets, Application Tape, & Tools $37.99 $28.49 Add to Cart 12' x 1 Foot Continuous Siser EasyWeed Heat Transfer Vinyl - All Colors $3.25 Add to Cart. DataGraphi Helps You Create Amazing Stories with Data! Guides and a dedicated platform to quickly develop, store and share your data knowledge.


DataGraph updated to version 3.2. 29 04 14 - Filed in: data analysis. I just saw that the highly regarded DataGraph has been updated, this update includes: Pivot Table command - great for data analysis. Hover information to inspect data in a plot. A new method to import text files.

DataGraph was first released in 2006, and has been there from day one of the Mac App Store. The program has evolved a lot over these years and we thought the icon was ready for a face lift.

New MP4 Movie Maker

The movie making capability has been significantly upgraded so that you can now directly create MP4 files from your animations. In the past, DataGraph created QuickTime mov files and you had to wait for the movie to the created before you could use DataGraph. The new process is much faster, can run in the background, and can output Retina quality movies.

New Interactive Click Events

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Create interactive graphics & dashboards with Click Events. You can click on a graph to make data selections that update other graphics. In the prior version of DataGraph, you could create interactive graphs using global variables, but you had to keep the variable list open. Now you can select data directly by clicking on a graph.

  • Mouse clicks on a graph can change a global variable.
  • Added to the Bars, Pivot, Pie and Graphic commands.
  • Toggle entries in the new Text Set variable.

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New Text Set Variable

This new variable allows you to create an interactive checkbox of items based on the entries in a column. Use to filter data in a command or the new Mask column. The last version of DataGraph had the Text Menu, which was helpful for selecting data using a menu, but only selects one entry at a time. The Text Set allows you to select multiple items and can be very useful for exploring large, complex datasets.

  • Use to include multiple text values in a mask.
  • Select items using check boxes.
  • List is auto-generated from a column.
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New Mask & Redirect Columns

These two column types give you more flexibility in managing data in the DataTable. With the Redirect column, you can create an alias of a column without changing the data. The Mask column Allows you to see exactly what data is included in a command or other operation. Allows you to limit data used in labeling graphs, for example, when you don't want to show zero values.

  • See the Mask column on-line help.
  • See the Redirect column on-line help.

New Statistical Testing

You can now perform t-Tests in the Global variables section. The t-Test variable uses columns of data as input and you select options for the test using drop-down menus. The output is the p-value.

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There are also three new functions tpdf(), tcdf(), and tinv().

Batch Graph Exporting

Added entries to the gear menu for the Text menu (global variable) to export multiple figures at once. Should make it much easier to create multiple figures where you just change one masking parameter.

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Easier Data Importing

  • Can drag a text file onto a group to import/replace the data.
  • Can open up .csv files by dragging them onto the DataGraph icon, use the context menu to open it in DataGraph, or use the Get Info panel to switch the default app for .csv files to DataGraph.
  • Improved Import special by adding a method, which allows you to go to the beginning of a line if something is found; and fixed functionality where you could tie a converter to a specific file.

Improved Support for Dates

  • Improved how DataGraph deals with dates before 100, and negative years. Modified the format such that 4BC:4:1 is April 1st 4BC, which is the same as year -3. The axis will use negative years, and include year 0.

One-step Color Scheme Creation

  • When creating a Color scheme from a command, the initial settings are selected automatically. In the prior version, this was a multistep process.
  • Works for Points, Bars, Lines, Pie, and Region commands.

More Command Options ...

  • Connect -- vary line width and color based on data
  • Range -- vary color with a continuous color ramp
  • Box -- vary the point type and color in the 'Points' option
  • Pie -- now accepts negative values, may result in overlapping slices.

    User Interface ...

  • New files are now blank (no columns, no commands) making is easy to drag and drop data on the data table.
  • Fullscreen view is now the same as the standard view. You can still access an interface similar to the older full screen view under the menu Window/Full Screen.
  • Improved how keyboard shortcuts work to open/close groups. When you hold down the option key and open/close this opens/closes all subgroups as well. You can also use the left/right arrow keys to open/close groups and option-left/right arrow as well. This works for groups of data columns, variables and commands.
  • How your graphs look...

  • Tweaked the spacing rule for the y axis. When you have a lot of labels, eventually DG will start to stride through them so that you don't have thousands of labels in a picture that is only 2 inches high. The old rule didn't scale with the font size, so it didn't look right at small font sizes (3-5 points).
  • Tweaked the logarithmic axis. Allowed the x tick marks to be closer. For the uniform option, DataGraph no longer ignores the number format.
  • Other Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed issues with statistics when you had a weighting function in the Fit command. Affected R2 and RMSE values, and the SE Intercept/Slope for the linear fit.
  • Added a minor gridline option.
  • Added ≠ as a valid operator in expressions.
  • Added AA to do Angstrom. The command angstrom was there before.
  • Added more options to position a graph title -- You can now align the title left/right or center on the whole figure, not just above the axis box. Can also adjust the space between the axis and the title
  • Added an option to the search method for the Import special, which allows you to go to the beginning of a line if something is found.
  • Added an extra option to the Expression global variable to extract a single row entry from a column. Already exists in the “From Column” option, but this is more direct.
  • Added an option to Number from Text Column.
  • Added more options for the anchor in a Graphic command.
  • Added more options to the Find option for the table. Can now search based on the numerical value.
  • Added a new date format to expression day:hour:minute:second
  • Added rotation option to the Text Command.
  • Updated the icon!

Features Remaining in the Beta

  • Data File mechanism. Can create this using R or using the Special Import and the new Save button. The Data File is created through the Other option and is a group.
  • R package (with source) to write data files is under testing, let me know if you are interested in C++ source code to write data files and if there is interest in a python library. Working on making it easy to get data into DataGraph from various programming environments.
  • Units conversions for the standard numerical column type. Create them through the gear menu.
  • A preference option so that you can set when the Points command switches to a pixel approach. The default is 200,000 but you can raise it if you want to get more points drawn with the selected marker.
  • Scalar Field command - draw logically rectangular meshes. This means you can specify the x and y coordinates of the mesh as arrays and not just lists. Has been improved to work large arrays.
  • Column - Number From String - Looking for a good use case
  • Freehand command
  • Database connectivity
  • I have a global air-temperature dataset of netCDF-3 format. When I import it into the DG either by directly dragging or by importing gear, I cannot get the full dataset. As you can see, there is not incomplete showing long, lati and time columns with different lengths, lacking air temperature data.

    I have consulted a senior expert, but ze has no way at present. I guess there could be others who experienced this as I did, seeking wise from a broader pool.


    I have the same issue with climate data of any type I have tried. I get long/lat and that is it (and not even all of these points). Looking forward to anyone that might have any ideas.

    Just uploaded a new beta with improved netCDF import.

    Before the only thing that DataGraph picked up were the 1D arrays and they were imported as columns.

    The new version imports 2D and 3D arrays as “flattened” arrays. That is, a 3D array like the one you have is imported as four columns, the x, y, z coordinate followed by the value. So a 73x144x12 array is imported as 4 columns with 126,144 numbers each. This is a fairly small number of rows only about half a million numbers total. The 1D arrays are still imported as columns.

    Then you can draw this in the scalar field drawing command and use a mask to implement animations.

    Many thanks David! Looking forward to trying the new beta.

    Thanks for the work on this and thanks for leting us know it is available.

    Take care!


    Are these files we can get on-line?

    We can profile them to see what is causing the slowness.

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the gentle nudge 🙂

    We looked back at this some more and have some ideas. First, try clicking the Integer button to the right of the Duration input of the animation, when you run the animation.

    We think this might speed things up a lot. Here is why… When the value of t is input into the variable ‘Month’, the ‘t’ will be rounded to the nearest index (integer) to find a match, However the calculations are still be performed every time t changes, which happens about 30 times a second. So it is likely performing the needed calculations much more than you really need for this data. However, if ‘t’ is set to an integer the program will only calculate a new frame for the animation when t hits the next integer value.

    I will be very curious if that helps!

    Also, I tried to get a similar file but when I download from the site I only get one time value in the netCDF that is generated. Are you appending the data or is there a way to get multiple days or months in one netCDF file?

    A final thought, if you are happy with the animation, then you may want to go ahead and create the movie to share as an mp4 file. That will run at the speed you specify as it is not performing the calculations anymore. So not a big hit to your CPU.
